Formerly “The Nilads” now STAR SYSTEMS … ON THE WAY OUT PRESENTS MUSIC FROM THE NEW YORK UNDERGROUND! This month – two trios that share vibrational affinities and sonic terrains + it’s a cd release show for The Gate = A VERY UNIQUE SHOW not to miss! 10 pm: STAR SYSTEMS is the new […]

Bassoon @ Grand Victory

Alright williamsburghers, come out and rock at the ex-Bruer Falls location. Supposed to be quite nice now. Might have a sneak preview of the upcoming CD!! The Grand Victory, 245 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY

Avram Fefer’s Elektrik Kool-Aid at Nublu

This is a longstanding gig I’ve been privileged to be a part of, a great band playing Avram’s surprisingly twisty fusion/funk compositions. Kenny Wessel and Dave Phelps double-guitar madness is not something to be missed, and Avram can really blow a badass solo when he settles down into the groove Sundays, February 12th and 26th […]

Bassoon + Seabrook Power Plant + Marika Hughes @ Rockshop

Metal -> Cello -> Banjo ::: Crushing -> Soaring -> Picking ::: Slogging -> Singing -> Overwhelming ::: ALL THAT next thursday at ROCKSHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kicking it off: BASSOON (pounding metal by Stuart Popejoy/Sean Moran/John Mettam) @ 8:30 Keeping it live: MARIKA HUGHES (solo cello) @ 9:30 Bringing it ’round: SEABROOK POWER PLANT (Brandon Seabrook/Tom Blancarte/Jared […]

STRING BAND (Nilsson, Nilsson, Bernstein, Popejoy) at DSC

Fun new project with the bros nilsson and the messrs bern-joy. Other participants include Daniel Kelly+Satoshi Takeishi duo, and Pavees Dance. We’re on at 10pm … $10 Suggested Donation for whole night – all ages Douglass Street Music Collective 295 Douglass St. (between 3rd & 4th Aves) – Buzzer #1 Brooklyn, NY 11217 Atlantic/Pacific Subway […]

BASSOON @ Local 269

w/ nevereven, Gelatine and The Committee. Not sure about the order but methinks we’re 2nd which would be 9pm! Halloween show, at least for the other bands … The Local 269 269 East Houston St. New York, NY 21+. $7 cover.