SUGARLIFE @ the McKittrick Hotel

Christian Dufresne with Danny Tunick and Stuart Popejoy Psycho-Toxic Musical Co-dependence and Combustion In a Sophisticated Setting 530 W 27th St btwn 10th and 11th ave

Iron Dog @ WSB100 Festival St Marks Church

IRON DOG (Sarah Bernstein, Stuart Popejoy, Andrew Drury) performing as part of the WSB100 Festival Marathon Reading celebrating William S Burroughs centenary other artists include Lydia Lunch, Genesis P Orridge, Shelley Hirsch, and more! 131 E. 10th Street  

Adam Rudolph Go:Organic Orchestra @ Shapeshifter

Music composed and improvisationally conducted by ADAM RUDOLPH Performing artists  Michel Gentile – c and alto flute, bamboo flutes Zé Luis Oliveira – c and alto flute, bamboo flutes Kaoru Watanabe – noh kan, fue, c flute  Ivan Barenboim – b flat & bass clarinet, bamboo flutes  Avram Fefer – b flat clarinet, tenor saxophone Sean […]

auraldystopia!mickbarr!chuckbettis! andrewhock!sarahbernstein! kidmillions!jeremiahcymerman! brownwingoverdrive!JACK!

back to JACK this fall with more improvulatory outbursts is AURAL DYSTOPIA with an awe-spishous assembly SARAH BERNSTEIN ======== 8pm ANDREW HOCK/JEREMIAH CYMERMAN ====== 9pm BROWN WING OVERDRIVE (Chuck Bettis/Mikey IQ Jones/Derek Morton) ==== 10pm MICK BARR/STUART POPEJOY/KID MILLIONS == 11pm at JACK TUESDAY OCTOBER 15 2013 $10 JACK – 505 ½ Waverly Ave., Brooklyn, […]