Trax from the upcoming Bassoon CD

Here’s some recently-mastered action from Bassoon’s long-awaited CD release. Yes it’s been sold via homemade CDRs before but it’s got a new song (Rope), I remixed the whole thing for greater awesomeness, and got it mastered with Colin Marston, so it’s even more roque-ing!! Rope Beav With Raving Mouth

Band 2 tha Camp

Bandcamp is a brazillion-times better than any other music service I’ve tried — of course this only includes CDBaby (via Sarah) and myspace … Mainly, the way they keep their branding out of the experience is brilliant. When browsing, their stuff is a tiny toolbar at the bottom; when uploading/editing, they add a tiny toolbar […]

Adam Rudolph’s Moving Pictures @ Jazz Gallery

Definitely an exciting event — I’m playing with Adam Rudolph’s octet, doing music that is similar to the Organic Orchestra but … different, and obviously with Adam’s tremendous percussive firepower on display. Graham Haynes on trumpet, Kenny Wessel on guitar, Joe Bowie on trombone, Brahim Fribgane on oud and percussion, James Hurt on percussion, Matt […]